

Alright, so one of the best things about taking a canoe trip is all the stories that we take home. Some of these pictures will tell a little bit of the story.

One story from our canoe (Tim Stevenson & I) is our rescue of a woman who had fallen out of her niece's canoe. In the shallow rapids. And she lost her shoes. And her knee was bleeding. And then she shrieked when we almost hit her with our canoe when some other folks turned their boat sideways right in front of us.

Anyway . . . we almost hit this lady and then came to a grinding halt in the 1/4" of water right next to her. Since we were stuck, she remarked, would we be willing to take her down the river a ways to her niece? I mean . . . we weren't going to say no so we transported her down to her neice. So Tim & I are pretty much heroes. She's the one in the bottom left hand corner of this picture snapped at the take out where she, somewhat ironically, ended at the exact same time we did.

Of course . . . with Thomas & Trace flipping their boat every 7 1/2 minutes we did have to wait a while until they paddled their submerged watercraft to the take out.

Way to go to everyone who went on the canoe trip; we all returned with all limbs & digits AND had a blast.

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