
Bono Does Leadership

Some of the Anderson Hills staff attended Willow Creek's annual Leadership Summit last Thursday through Saturday and one of the speakers was U2's Bono. Here are some high-octane Bono quotes.

Regarding hunger in Africa:: "How could this be a world of plenty? It is the way of the world. But if it IS the way of the world, we need to OVERTHROW the way of the world."

" 'What are you going to do with this celebrity thing? It's ridiculous. Fame & celebrity is ridiculous . . . but it's currency. And I'm going to spend it. I'm strategic. God has made me an opportunist."

"The world does not have to be the way it is. And we can change it."

"Christ won't let the church walk away from the AIDS crisis because it is difficult and expensive."

"Love thy neighbor is not advice, it's a command."

"We can't fix everything but what we can fix, we must."

"Our purpose is to bring heaven to earth."

"Do not be at peace with the world."

You know, here's a rock star telling the church how to behave and act. It's great because he gets it and is using his fame as currency but it's sad that the church needs the prompting of a rock star (no offense Bono). The church and it's leaders and members ought to be out in front, leading the charge, sounding the call for making this world a better and more equitable place; effecting change where we are able, fixing what we can. "Always pain before the child is born . . . still I'm waiting for the dawn."

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