

Winter Retreat Round-up

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Winter Retreat

Alright Jr. High...it's your turn. Register today!


Share Your Thoughts...

Shuffle Me // Vol. 4

On the return trip from the Winter Retreat everyone had their iPods going in full force which made it the perfect opportunity for some "Shuffle Me". . .so here it is friends, this is what happens when you set Melanie's iPod to shuffle & hit play::

(1) Live to the Music // Verbs
(2) Dance Like // L.A. Symphony
(3) Dance, Dance // Fall Out Boy
(4) Dani California // Red Hot Chili Peppers
(5) Get Up // Ciara


There's more where that came from. Check back soon for more "shuffle me" from our Winter Retreat trip.

You too can get shuffled. Just set your iPod or mP3 player to shuffle, see what the first five songs are! Let me know we'll get it on the blog.

NOTE: the Anderson Hills Student Ministry does not necessarily endorse any of the aforementioned artists, any of their albums, their behavior, their hairstyles, their parents, their fast-food preferences, their choice of socks, or that of any of their band members. Shuffle me is intended for information & curiosity only. Please use wisdom & discretion when choosing what music you listen too. Happy listening!



You're the man now dog

This may be one of the weirdest things I have ever seen in my life.


Master Provisions 1.13

A Year of Jesus...

For those of you all keeping score at home with a Year of Jesus this morning we read about John the Baptizer in Matthew 3. So how about his message? Not exactly the lightest or most "feel good" sermon, eh? Calling the religious folk a "brood of vipers" or telling them that "God is able from these stones to raise up children for Abraham" or the threat that if one doesn't bear the fruit of repentance they will be cut down and thrown into the fire! And people came from all over the place to hear him speak! His message was one of repentance, turning the opposite direction from sin and wickedness, and turning towards the kingdom of God AS a preparation for the coming of Jesus. Where do we need to repent to prepare for Jesus because TODAY the Kingdom of God IS at hand?



YF :: 1.7.07 :: Ice Skating!

Jesus Video #1

Alright...here's the first Jesus Video we looked at at the Deep End. Tune in next week for #2!