
Santa's Day Off

So this is what Santa is up to after the big day.
Pulling a Ben Roethlisberger.
Hope is face is recovered by next year.
Santa's face, that is.

YF White Elephant


YF : : 12/17 : : Christmas Party!

White Elephant Gift def. A white elephant gift is an item that was not purchased but an unwanted, humorous, cheesy, bizarre item found around the house and is subsequently wrapped and brought to the AHSM Christmas Party on December 17th to be given to someone else who will cherish said cheesy/bizarre item until they bring it back to the Christmas Party next year to be passed on to the next sucker, er, recipient.

Invite a friend, bring a gift and come on out! It'll be a blast!


From Barcelona


The truth is out . . .

Chris Long's email program says that the weekly email newsletter might be a scam. (Click on the picture to see for yourself). The truth is . . . the student ministry is all a scam . . . to connect, ignite and empower students to become disciples of Jesus Christ. The truth is out.
30 Second Christmas Story

What a YF last night! Fantastic! Here's a short recap of the film by cartoon bunnies.