


WKRP :: Thanksgiving Cincinnati Style


Happy Thanksgiving!

Gobble, gobble.


Prepare Affair in the Bag

Well, this is pretty much what the prepare affair consisted of. Not really. Seriously, thanks to everyone who came out to serve Saturday morning. Making a difference by serving AND having fun. Great way to spend a Saturday morning!

Arrgh! Lasers, pirates, scallywags!


Yf = Scallywag Tag 11/19

White & Nerdy

Weird Al finally wrote a song about me.


Master Provisions 11/11

Note: The start time is now 8:45am instead of 8:00am. Now what's your excuse? ; ) Bring a few bucks for lunch afterwards. Oh. And let me know you're coming so we can have a seat for you in a car. And parents . . . you're MORE than welcome to come serve as well!


Fall Retreat Video

Here's a little view of the weekend in under 4 minutes. Come to worship on Sunday and watch it on the big screen!


Fall Retreat 2006

Fall Retreat 2006


All Saints Day

All Saints' Day is a universal festival of the Church. This festival day directs our attention to the richness of Christian history and the varied experiences of the grace of God by lifting up the lives of the saints.

The custom of commemorating all the martyrs of the Church on a single day goes back at least to the third century. All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) celebrates not only the martyrs and saints, but all the people of God, living and dead, who together form the mystical body of Christ.

We remember those who have passed away since All Saints Day last year, in our prayers today, and we give thanks for their lives. We remember and find strength in their faith and the faith of all the saints both known to us and known only to God.